Connect with a welcoming group
Create original artwork
Collaborate and learn new skills
Mixed Up Arts is a community visual arts group run by volunteers for all adults interested in exploring creativity at The Stables in Bellingen, NSW

The Stables Project
Application and receipt of a NSW Heritage Grant in November 2017 enabled a group of creative volunteers from Mixed Up Arts and the Bellingen Community Arts Council to begin the adaptive re use upgrade the Old Stables building. The works took 14 months to complete and the Stables re-opened to the public in February 2019. The renovations included replacing old garage doors with timber doors, polishing the concrete floor and installing a small kitchenette and air conditioner. This historically interesting old building has become a compact and comfortable multi use creative space accessible to the diverse range of the community and visitors.
The Stables is currently managed by Mixed Up Arts and welcomes community involvement and participation in creative and/or community projects. Mixed Up Arts welcomes exhibitions of a not for profit, educational and community nature, giving those who would otherwise not afford the costs of hiring a gallery a public space to share their art.
Keep up to date and like us on
Mixed Up Arts Contact: Julie Hutchinson juliehutchinson36@gmail.com