Nexus Art Gallery. Regular art exhibitions of painting, ceramics & sculpture at the Old Butter Factory Bellingen, near Coffs Harbour, mid north coast NSW
Nexus Art Gallery. Regular art exhibitions of painting, ceramics & sculpture at the Old Butter Factory Bellingen, near Coffs Harbour, mid north coast NSW

You’ll find the Nexus Gallery nestled in the historical Old Butter Factory complex. It is run solely by volunteers and is an important exhibition and gathering place for local artists and friends.

BCAC Members Exhibitions
The Nexus Community Gallery hosts four members’ group shows each year. The remainder of the year the gallery features month-long exhibitions by solo artists or groups of artists.

There are two exhibition spaces: The Main Gallery and The Studio.

Visitors are very welcome .

Nexus Current Exhibiton


2-28 March

Coastal Claymakers

Coastal ClayMakers is a group of local ceramic artists on the Mid North Coast that has been in existence for 22 years. The group consists of a range of artists from professionals to those who are very new to playing with clay. They aim to come together to exhibit their work as a group at least once per year.

Here Today Gone Tomorrow – Nadia Waters

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow shares an important environmental message. My chalk drawings on cardboard feature a selection of endangered animals living in the Bellingen and Armidale area, trying to survive this challenging climate. This show combines the visual sweetness and beauty of each animal, alongside the science-based need for wildlife conservation, I hope you enjoy.


30 March to 25 April

BCAC Autumn Members’ Exhibition

Visit the Nexus Community Gallery

Open 7 Days a week

Old Butter Factory, Doepel St Bellingen NSW
Hours: 10 am until 4.00 pm
Phone: (02) 6655 9222

Nexus Gallery Entrance
Nexus Gallery Sign